Вот все таки есть вещи,
которые конечно можно перевести, но либо они просто от этого потеряют, либо (если переводчик все таки настоящийй профик) будут просто другими, возможно красивыми и интересными, но другими. И такие вещи можно почувствовать только в оригинале ...
читаю сейчас: История экспрессии в 20м веке (The Arts: A History of Expression in the 20th Century by Ronald Tamplin)
Artist and society :
Artist then, though commited by their imagination to move beyound society, are yet conditioned by it. If the lead of the pencil is too long, protruding from its protective wood, it snaps off; the articst cannot, in fact, be too far ahead of the bunch ...
читаю всегда: Terry Pratchett
- When you break rules, break 'em good and hard. ("Wyrd sisters")
- The Creator had a lot of remarkably good ideas when he put the world together, but making it understandable hadn't been one of them. ("Mort")
- Never trust a dog with orange eyebrows. ("Witches abroad")
- Like a conjurer keeping eighteen plates spinning at the same time - like a man trying to programme a video recorder from an instruction manual translated from Japanese into Dutch by a Korean rice-husker - like, in fact, a man finding out what total self-control really means, Windle Poons lurched onwards. ("Reaper Man")
- We've got a lot of experience of not having any experience. ("Witches abroad")
читал где-то:
Private property. Don't cross. Intruders will be shot. Survivals will be shot again.
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